Rapeseed Fields

Rapeseed Fields

Early summer brings out the 40 shades of green that Ireland is so famous for. Rapeseed has become a much more popular plant on farms over the past 20 years. It adds such a vibrant dash of yellow to the landscape. I have wanted to get a lovely photo of rapeseed fields for a few years. The ideal image I envisioned looked quite like the Windows XP default wallpaper, only with a large yellow field instead.

Rolling hills of grass with a blue sky

Bliss - The Windows XP default wallpaper image

This year with a little 6 month old in tow, we spent a week of holidays in Wexford (the Sunny South-East). Along the journey, I was admiring the rapeseed fields, and decided to take a pitstop on the side of the dual-carriageway. I don’t think I got the photo I dreamed of yet, but I quite like these few.

Rapeseed fields by the motorway

Rapeseed alongside the motorway

Rapeseed with gorse in the foreground

Rapeseed and Gorse

Rapeseed fields

Rapeseed Bliss

Rapeseed fields with road in the foreground

By the roadside