My little homepage on the internets

Eoin Muldowney

Rural feeling in an urban landscape

Escape Dublin on your doorstep I love spending weekends in the Phoenix Park. Even though located well within the city limits, it is it’s own little haven away from the bustling Dublin City. Early on a Sunday morning is particularly nice, while ev...

Cleaning my Panasonic LX-100 Dirty Lens

Attempting to fix my dirty lens If you haven’t read my original post on this, please first start here. I tried to clean the camera lens this weekend. I had some success with the vacuum cleaner method. I enlisted the help of my sister to try this...

Panasonic LX-100 Dirty Lens

Dirty Lens Ugh, I really like my Panasonic LX-100 camera. It has served me well for 3 years now. I have known it was possible for dirt and lint to get stuck in the fixed lens. There were plenty of discussions mentioning this problem from before I...

Golden Hour at the Grand Canal

Goldenbridge, Inchicore I regularly cycle by the canal in Inchicore commuting to/from work. I have been waiting for the late summer evenings to take some photos along this stretch of the canal. Recently, I got the opportunity to go out during gol...